Complete the submission form with the requested information. Upload a synopsis (for fiction) or chapter summary (for nonfiction) and a complete manuscript. All files should be in .docx, .doc, or .rtf format.

If you are submitting to Simply Pets Books Innovative, also upload 5-10 pages of the manuscript for a sample edit. An editor will edit the sample you submitted and return it to you with comments so you will know what to expect when your book is edited. Along with the edited sample, we will include a quote to edit and publish your book. The quote will also include an estimate of the time required for the process. Everything necessary to bring your book to the market will be included and itemized in the quote.  

If you have questions, email

Please read and agree to the following terms before you submit.

§    The material I am submitting is my work and my intellectual property, and I will retain the copyright.

§    If information is stated as factual, I have researched to provide accurate information. If fiction, the material is my original work.

§    I understand that Simply Pets Books will protect my privacy and intellectual property and will not release my work or information to anyone else without permission.